摘要:本文先容了HB火博·体育DJSF1352-RN直流电表在沙特小型光伏发电设施直流侧的应用。主要用于光伏系统中的电流的计量,通过分流器对电路系统进行计量、通讯和控制等。??Abstract: This paper introduces the application of Acrel DJSF1352-RN DC energy meter in the DC side of a photovoltaic system in Saudi Arabia. I 发布日期:2021-12-01
摘要:HB火博·体育无线温度设备装置通过无线温度收发器和各无线温度传感器直接进行温度值的传输,并采用液晶显示各无线温度传感器所测温度。??Absrtact:Acre wireless temperature device directly transmits the temperature value through the wireless temperature transceiver and each wireless temperature sensor, and 发布日期:2021-12-01
??摘要:本文先容了HB火博·体育直流电表在荷兰光伏充电桩系统中的应用。主要用于充电桩的电流电压电能的计量。??Abstract: This article introduces the application of Acrel DC meters in PV charging pile system in Netherlands.The device is measuring current,voltage and energy together with shunt.??1.项 发布日期:2021-12-01